
Book Review: Fixing My Gaze by Susan R Barry

Fixing my Gaze

A Scientist’s Journey into Seeing in Three Dimensions

By Susan R. Barry

Basic Books publishers, 2009

Susan Barry is a professor of neurobiology, who in her late 40s, with the help of a behavioral optometrist, learned to team her eyes and see in three dimensions for the first time in her life.

By all means get hold of a copy of this book. I don’t think you would want to borrow mine since I have highlighted nearly every page. If you seek a really good read with in-depth explanations of challenges to binocularity and what can be done to overcome them; if you want to be reminded of how much plasticity the human brain has even in adulthood; if you want insights into why adults require different exercise programs than those designed for children, and what a critical period in human vision development really means; or if you want to understand better how lack of vision modifies how the other senses work.  

And if this hasn’t convinced you yet, then here is a quote to whet your appetite: “My son and daughter, when young, could grasp the details and the big picture at the same time. I didn’t know how to do this until midlife, when I learned to see simultaneously with two eyes.”

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